Impact and Outcome Measures

The College of Education (COE) at Florida A&M University (FAMU) is committed to providing the community-at-large, and our stakeholders with data and information relevant to our performance.

We have provided our 2021 Annual Reporting Measures on this site. The measures are the information and data on our candidates and completers outcomes and their impact on P-12 students which are required by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).


2021 CAEP Annual Reporting Eight Measures
2021 CAEP Annual Reporting Eight Measures

CAEP 8 Annual Reporting Measures

The CAEP has eight (8) annual reporting measures that are used to provide information to the public on both impact measures and outcome measures.

The impact measures are:

  • 1. Evidence of completer impact on P-12 student learning and development (Component 4.1);
  • 2. Indicators of teaching effectiveness (Component 4.2)
  • 3. Satisfaction of employers and employment milestones (Component 4.3/A4.1); and
  • 4. Satisfaction of completers (Component 4.4/A4.2).

The outcome measures are:

  •  5. Graduation Rates (initial &advanced levels);
  • Ability of completers to meet licensing (certification) andany additional state requirements; Title II (initial &advanced levels)         
  • 7. Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have prepared (initial & advanced levels); and
  • 8. Student loan default rates and other consumer information (initial & advanced levels).

For each measure, links to supporting evidence are provided.



Impact and Outcome Measures Annual Report Archive (2018-2020) 


2021 CAEP Annual Reporting Eight Measures

The College of Education (COE) at Florida A&M University (FAMU) is committed to providing the community-at-large and our stakeholders with data and information relevant to our performance. As such, we have provided on this site our 2021 annual reporting measures. The measures that we adhere to are based on those created by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

CAEP has eight (8) annual reporting measures that are used to provide information to the public on both impact measures and outcome measures. The impact measures are 1. Evidence of completer impact on P-12 student learning and development (Component 4.1); 2. Indicators of teaching effectiveness (Component 4.2); 3. Satisfaction of employers and employment milestones (Component 4.3/A4.1); and 4. Satisfaction of completers (Component 4.4/A4.2). The outcome measures are 5. Graduation Rates (initial & advanced levels); 6. Ability of completers to meet licensing (certification) and any additional state requirements; Title II (initial & advanced levels); 7. Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have prepared (initial & advanced levels); and 8. Student loan default rates and other consumer information (initial & advanced levels). For each measure, links to supporting evidence are provided.

Impact Measures

Measure 1: Evidence of Completer Impact on P-12 Student Learning and Development

Florida’s Value-Added Model (VAM). In Florida, value-added models are used to measure the contribution of a teacher or school to student learning growth. Florida’s value-added models do this by measuring the difference in each student’s actual performance on a statewide assessment from that student’s expected performance, which takes into account specific student and classroom factors that impact the learning process. VAM scores represent the amount the teacher contributed to student learning growth, on average, to the students they taught while controlling for factors that impact student learning growth. (Source: Florida Department of Education website, “Performance Evaluation”)
1. Value-Added Model Score

Please make note of the following when reading the VAM score:
•    A score of zero indicates that students performed no better or worse than expected, based on factors controlled for in the model.
•    A positive score indicates that students performed better than expected.
•    A negative score indicates that students performed worse than expected.

Measure 2: Indicators of Teaching Effectiveness

School District Personnel Evaluations. Completers from FAMU’s College of Education were evaluated utilizing the VAM model. The following ratings are utilized to categorize the completers and are shown in the provided table.
•    Highly Effective. A highly effective rating is demonstrated by a value-added score of greater than zero, where all of the scores contained within the associated 95% confidence interval also lie above zero.
•    Effective. An effective rating is demonstrated by the following:
     o    A value-added score of zero;
     o    A value-added score of greater than zero, where some portion of the range of scores associated with a 95% confidence interval lies at or below zero; or
     o    A value-added score of less than zero, where some portion of the range of scores associated with both the 68% and the 95% confidence interval lies at or above zero.
•    Needs Improvement, or Developing (if the teacher has been teaching for fewer than three (3) years). A needs improvement or developing rating is demonstrated by a value-added score that is less than zero, where the entire 68% confidence interval falls below zero, but where a portion of the 95% confidence interval lies above zero.
•    Unsatisfactory. An unsatisfactory rating is demonstrated by a value-added score of less than zero, where all of the scores contained within the 95% confidence interval also lie below zero.
(Source: Florida Department of State, Florida Administrative Code & Florida Administrative Register, “6A-5.0411”)

  1. Florida School District Personnel Evaluation Report on FAMU Completers

Measure 3. Satisfaction of employers and employment milestones.

Employer Satisfaction Survey. The College of Education’s Employer Satisfaction Survey is designed to collect information on the level of satisfaction of employers with program completers at the end of their first year of teaching. In particular, administrators in schools where FAMU COE program completers teach are asked to complete the survey to evaluate the competence and teaching effectiveness of the completers. 2020 College of Education Employer Satisfaction Survey was sent to 18 employers. The total number of respondents was 11. The response rate is 61%.
3.1. 2020 Employer Satisfaction Survey Results

Employment Milestones. The Florida Department of Education provides the employment information of completers' staying for the job after initial employment. FAMU COE completers have a % rate of staying on the job.

3.2. FAMU Completers 5 Year Retention or Rehired Rate

Measure 4: Satisfaction of Completers

Program Completer’s Satisfaction Survey. The College of Education’s Program Completer's Satisfaction Survey is designed to collect information about our educator preparation program from completers following their first year of teaching. Program completers are asked questions which evaluate how well the program prepared them for the field of teaching. In addition, completers respond to question which evaluate the quality of FAMU’s education programs.

The 2020 College of Education Completer's Satisfaction Survey was sent to 19 completers. The total number of respondents was 7. The response rate is 36.8%.
4. 2020 FAMU Completers’ Satisfaction Survey Results

Outcome Measures

5. Graduation Rates (initial & advanced levels)

Graduation Rate. The graduation rate is the percentage of a school’s first-time, first-year undergraduate students who complete their program within 150% of the published time for the program. For example, for a four-year degree program, entering students who complete within six years are counted as graduates. (Source: FAFSA website, “What are graduation, retention, and transfer rates?”)
5.1. FAMU EPP 4-6 Graduation Rates (2014 Cohort)

5.2. FAMU EPP Completion Rate (advanced level)

6. Ability of completers to meet licensing (certification) and any additional state requirements; Title II

Licensure Examination Passage Rate. The purpose of the Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (FTCE) is to ensure that all teacher candidates demonstrate the necessary content and pedagogical knowledge necessary to effectively instruct students in Florida. The FTCE consists of three examinations: the General Knowledge Test (GK); the Professional Education Test (PE); and the Subject Area Examination (SAE). The College of Education requires our teacher candidates to pass all parts of the FTCE before their internship. (Source: Pearson Education website, “FTCE/FELE Background Information”)
6.1. FAMU EPP Licensure Examination Pass Rates (initial)
6.2. FAMU EPP Licensure Examination Pass Rates (advanced)

The Title II Report presents a summary of information on FAMU’s College of Education teacher preparation program. In particular, information is provided accreditation, clinical experiences, admission requirements, postgraduate requirements, and teacher shortage areas. Title II of the Higher Education Act focuses on areas such as accountability for programs that prepare teachers, teacher quality, and teacher development.
6.3. 2021 Title II Report

Measure 7. Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have prepared

Placement Rate. The placement rate indicates the number of program completers who are employed within the field of education upon graduation. The rate is expressed as a percentage of the total number of program completers. For the College of Education, the Placement Rate Table indicates the percentage of program completers who were employed within the first two years after program completion.
7.1. FAMU Placement Rate for 2019-2020 completers (initial)
7.2. FAMU Placement Rate for 2019-2020 completers (advanced)

Measure 8. Student loan default rates and other consumer information

Cohort Default Rate (also referred to as Student Loan Default Rate). For schools having 30 or more borrowers entering repayment in a fiscal year, the school’s cohort default rate is the percentage of a school’s borrowers who enter repayment on certain William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans and Federal Family Education Loans during that fiscal year and default (i.e., fail to make payment, or request a deferment or forbearance) before the end of the second fiscal year following the fiscal year that the borrower entered repayment. (Source: U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid, Default Management website, “Frequently Asked Questions”) Simply stated, a school’s cohort default rate is the percentage of a school’s federal student loan borrowers who enter repayment within the cohort fiscal year (denominator) and default (numerator) within the cohort default period. (Source: U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid, Default Management, Cohort Default Rate Guide Quick Reference, “What is a cohort default rate?”). At Florida A&M University, the default rate was 9.3 percent for FY 2018.
8.1. FAMU Cohort Default Rate 2018

Cost of Attendance: Tuition, Room, and Board. Tuition, room, and board are costs incurred by undergraduate and graduates students for an academic year. A full academic year typically refers to the period of time extending from August/September to May/June. At Florida A&M University, this period of time equates to two semesters. Room and board may be defined as double occupancy housing accommodations and a standard meal plan. The budget components are ESTIMATED averages and may not reflect the actual expenses.
At Florida A&M University, the 2020-2021 cost of attendance for undergraduate students is based on 15 credits per term. The 2020-2021 cost of attendance for graduate students is based on 9 credits per term.

8.2. Cost of Attendance 2020-2021

8.3. Beginning Teacher Salary and Average Salary (In Florida and Some School Districts where FAMU completers are hired)

2020 CAEP Annual Reporting Eight Measures

The College of Education (COE) at Florida A&M University (FAMU) is committed to providing the community-at-large and our stakeholders with data and information relevant to our performance. As such, we have provided on this site our 2021 annual reporting measures. The measures that we adhere to are based on those created by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

CAEP has eight (8) annual reporting measures that are used to provide information to the public on both impact measures and outcome measures. The impact measures are 1. Evidence of completer impact on P-12 student learning and development (Component 4.1); 2. Indicators of teaching effectiveness (Component 4.2); 3. Satisfaction of employers and employment milestones (Component 4.3/A4.1); and 4. Satisfaction of completers (Component 4.4/A4.2). The outcome measures are 5. Graduation Rates (initial & advanced levels); 6. Ability of completers to meet licensing (certification) and any additional state requirements; Title II (initial & advanced levels); 7. Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have prepared (initial & advanced levels); and 8. Student loan default rates and other consumer information (initial & advanced levels). For each measure, links to supporting evidence are provided.

Impact Measures

Measure 1: Evidence of Completer Impact on P-12 Student Learning and Development

Florida’s Value-Added Model (VAM). In Florida, value-added models are used to measure the contribution of a teacher or school to student learning growth. Florida’s value-added models do this by measuring the difference in each student’s actual performance on a statewide assessment from that student’s expected performance, which takes into account specific student and classroom factors that impact the learning process. VAM scores represent the amount the teacher contributed to student learning growth, on average, to the students they taught while controlling for factors that impact student learning growth. (Source: Florida Department of Education website, “Performance Evaluation”)
1. Value-Added Model Score

Please make note of the following when reading the VAM score:
•    A score of zero indicates that students performed no better or worse than expected, based on factors controlled for in the model.
•    A positive score indicates that students performed better than expected.
•    A negative score indicates that students performed worse than expected.

Measure 2: Indicators of Teaching Effectiveness

School District Personnel Evaluations. Completers from FAMU’s College of Education were evaluated utilizing the VAM model. The following ratings are utilized to categorize the completers and are shown in the provided table.
•    Highly Effective. A highly effective rating is demonstrated by a value-added score of greater than zero, where all of the scores contained within the associated 95% confidence interval also lie above zero.
•    Effective. An effective rating is demonstrated by the following:
     o    A value-added score of zero;
     o    A value-added score of greater than zero, where some portion of the range of scores associated with a 95% confidence interval lies at or below zero; or
     o    A value-added score of less than zero, where some portion of the range of scores associated with both the 68% and the 95% confidence interval lies at or above zero.
•    Needs Improvement, or Developing (if the teacher has been teaching for fewer than three (3) years). A needs improvement or developing rating is demonstrated by a value-added score that is less than zero, where the entire 68% confidence interval falls below zero, but where a portion of the 95% confidence interval lies above zero.
•    Unsatisfactory. An unsatisfactory rating is demonstrated by a value-added score of less than zero, where all of the scores contained within the 95% confidence interval also lie below zero.
(Source: Florida Department of State, Florida Administrative Code & Florida Administrative Register, “6A-5.0411”)

  1. Florida School District Personnel Evaluation Report on FAMU Completers

Measure 3. Satisfaction of employers and employment milestones.

Employer Satisfaction Survey. The College of Education’s Employer Satisfaction Survey is designed to collect information on the level of satisfaction of employers with program completers at the end of their first year of teaching. In particular, administrators in schools where FAMU COE program completers teach are asked to complete the survey to evaluate the competence and teaching effectiveness of the completers. 2020 College of Education Employer Satisfaction Survey was sent to 18 employers. The total number of respondents was 11. The response rate is 61%.
3.1. 2020 Employer Satisfaction Survey Results

Employment Milestones. The Florida Department of Education provides the employment information of completers' staying for the job after initial employment. FAMU COE completers have a % rate of staying on the job.

3.2. FAMU Completers 5 Year Retention or Rehired Rate

Measure 4: Satisfaction of Completers

Program Completer’s Satisfaction Survey. The College of Education’s Program Completer's Satisfaction Survey is designed to collect information about our educator preparation program from completers following their first year of teaching. Program completers are asked questions which evaluate how well the program prepared them for the field of teaching. In addition, completers respond to question which evaluate the quality of FAMU’s education programs.

The 2020 College of Education Completer's Satisfaction Survey was sent to 19 completers. The total number of respondents was 7. The response rate is 36.8%.
4. 2020 FAMU Completers’ Satisfaction Survey Results

Outcome Measures

5. Graduation Rates (initial & advanced levels)

Graduation Rate. The graduation rate is the percentage of a school’s first-time, first-year undergraduate students who complete their program within 150% of the published time for the program. For example, for a four-year degree program, entering students who complete within six years are counted as graduates. (Source: FAFSA website, “What are graduation, retention, and transfer rates?”)
5.1. FAMU EPP 4-6 Graduation Rates (2014 Cohort)

5.2. FAMU EPP Completion Rate (advanced level)

6. Ability of completers to meet licensing (certification) and any additional state requirements; Title II

Licensure Examination Passage Rate. The purpose of the Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (FTCE) is to ensure that all teacher candidates demonstrate the necessary content and pedagogical knowledge necessary to effectively instruct students in Florida. The FTCE consists of three examinations: the General Knowledge Test (GK); the Professional Education Test (PE); and the Subject Area Examination (SAE). The College of Education requires our teacher candidates to pass all parts of the FTCE before their internship. (Source: Pearson Education website, “FTCE/FELE Background Information”)
6.1. FAMU EPP Licensure Examination Pass Rates (initial)
6.2. FAMU EPP Licensure Examination Pass Rates (advanced)

The Title II Report presents a summary of information on FAMU’s College of Education teacher preparation program. In particular, information is provided accreditation, clinical experiences, admission requirements, postgraduate requirements, and teacher shortage areas. Title II of the Higher Education Act focuses on areas such as accountability for programs that prepare teachers, teacher quality, and teacher development.
6.3. 2021 Title II Report

Measure 7. Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have prepared

Placement Rate. The placement rate indicates the number of program completers who are employed within the field of education upon graduation. The rate is expressed as a percentage of the total number of program completers. For the College of Education, the Placement Rate Table indicates the percentage of program completers who were employed within the first two years after program completion.
7.1. FAMU Placement Rate for 2019-2020 completers (initial)
7.2. FAMU Placement Rate for 2019-2020 completers (advanced)

Measure 8. Student loan default rates and other consumer information

Cohort Default Rate (also referred to as Student Loan Default Rate). For schools having 30 or more borrowers entering repayment in a fiscal year, the school’s cohort default rate is the percentage of a school’s borrowers who enter repayment on certain William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans and Federal Family Education Loans during that fiscal year and default (i.e., fail to make payment, or request a deferment or forbearance) before the end of the second fiscal year following the fiscal year that the borrower entered repayment. (Source: U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid, Default Management website, “Frequently Asked Questions”) Simply stated, a school’s cohort default rate is the percentage of a school’s federal student loan borrowers who enter repayment within the cohort fiscal year (denominator) and default (numerator) within the cohort default period. (Source: U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid, Default Management, Cohort Default Rate Guide Quick Reference, “What is a cohort default rate?”). At Florida A&M University, the default rate was 9.3 percent for FY 2018.
8.1. FAMU Cohort Default Rate 2018

Cost of Attendance: Tuition, Room, and Board. Tuition, room, and board are costs incurred by undergraduate and graduates students for an academic year. A full academic year typically refers to the period of time extending from August/September to May/June. At Florida A&M University, this period of time equates to two semesters. Room and board may be defined as double occupancy housing accommodations and a standard meal plan. The budget components are ESTIMATED averages and may not reflect the actual expenses.
At Florida A&M University, the 2020-2021 cost of attendance for undergraduate students is based on 15 credits per term. The 2020-2021 cost of attendance for graduate students is based on 9 credits per term.

8.2. Cost of Attendance 2020-2021

8.3. Beginning Teacher Salary and Average Salary (In Florida and Some School Districts where FAMU completers are hired

2019 CAEP Annual Reporting Eight Measures

The College of Education (COE) at Florida A&M University (FAMU) is committed to providing the community-at-large and our stakeholders with data and information relevant to our performance. As such, we have provided on this site our 2021 annual reporting measures. The measures that we adhere to are based on those created by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

CAEP has eight (8) annual reporting measures that are used to provide information to the public on both impact measures and outcome measures. The impact measures are 1. Evidence of completer impact on P-12 student learning and development (Component 4.1); 2. Indicators of teaching effectiveness (Component 4.2); 3. Satisfaction of employers and employment milestones (Component 4.3/A4.1); and 4. Satisfaction of completers (Component 4.4/A4.2). The outcome measures are 5. Graduation Rates (initial & advanced levels); 6. Ability of completers to meet licensing (certification) and any additional state requirements; Title II (initial & advanced levels); 7. Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have prepared (initial & advanced levels); and 8. Student loan default rates and other consumer information (initial & advanced levels). For each measure, links to supporting evidence are provided.

Impact Measures

Measure 1: Evidence of Completer Impact on P-12 Student Learning and Development

Florida’s Value-Added Model (VAM). In Florida, value-added models are used to measure the contribution of a teacher or school to student learning growth. Florida’s value-added models do this by measuring the difference in each student’s actual performance on a statewide assessment from that student’s expected performance, which takes into account specific student and classroom factors that impact the learning process. VAM scores represent the amount the teacher contributed to student learning growth, on average, to the students they taught while controlling for factors that impact student learning growth. (Source: Florida Department of Education website, “Performance Evaluation”)
1. Value-Added Model Score

Please make note of the following when reading the VAM score:
•    A score of zero indicates that students performed no better or worse than expected, based on factors controlled for in the model.
•    A positive score indicates that students performed better than expected.
•    A negative score indicates that students performed worse than expected.

Measure 2: Indicators of Teaching Effectiveness

School District Personnel Evaluations. Completers from FAMU’s College of Education were evaluated utilizing the VAM model. The following ratings are utilized to categorize the completers and are shown in the provided table.
•    Highly Effective. A highly effective rating is demonstrated by a value-added score of greater than zero, where all of the scores contained within the associated 95% confidence interval also lie above zero.
•    Effective. An effective rating is demonstrated by the following:
     o    A value-added score of zero;
     o    A value-added score of greater than zero, where some portion of the range of scores associated with a 95% confidence interval lies at or below zero; or
     o    A value-added score of less than zero, where some portion of the range of scores associated with both the 68% and the 95% confidence interval lies at or above zero.
•    Needs Improvement, or Developing (if the teacher has been teaching for fewer than three (3) years). A needs improvement or developing rating is demonstrated by a value-added score that is less than zero, where the entire 68% confidence interval falls below zero, but where a portion of the 95% confidence interval lies above zero.
•    Unsatisfactory. An unsatisfactory rating is demonstrated by a value-added score of less than zero, where all of the scores contained within the 95% confidence interval also lie below zero.
(Source: Florida Department of State, Florida Administrative Code & Florida Administrative Register, “6A-5.0411”)

  1. Florida School District Personnel Evaluation Report on FAMU Completers

Measure 3. Satisfaction of employers and employment milestones.

Employer Satisfaction Survey. The College of Education’s Employer Satisfaction Survey is designed to collect information on the level of satisfaction of employers with program completers at the end of their first year of teaching. In particular, administrators in schools where FAMU COE program completers teach are asked to complete the survey to evaluate the competence and teaching effectiveness of the completers. 2020 College of Education Employer Satisfaction Survey was sent to 18 employers. The total number of respondents was 11. The response rate is 61%.
3.1. 2020 Employer Satisfaction Survey Results

Employment Milestones. The Florida Department of Education provides the employment information of completers' staying for the job after initial employment. FAMU COE completers have a % rate of staying on the job.

3.2. FAMU Completers 5 Year Retention or Rehired Rate

Measure 4: Satisfaction of Completers

Program Completer’s Satisfaction Survey. The College of Education’s Program Completer's Satisfaction Survey is designed to collect information about our educator preparation program from completers following their first year of teaching. Program completers are asked questions which evaluate how well the program prepared them for the field of teaching. In addition, completers respond to question which evaluate the quality of FAMU’s education programs.

The 2020 College of Education Completer's Satisfaction Survey was sent to 19 completers. The total number of respondents was 7. The response rate is 36.8%.
4. 2020 FAMU Completers’ Satisfaction Survey Results

Outcome Measures

5. Graduation Rates (initial & advanced levels)

Graduation Rate. The graduation rate is the percentage of a school’s first-time, first-year undergraduate students who complete their program within 150% of the published time for the program. For example, for a four-year degree program, entering students who complete within six years are counted as graduates. (Source: FAFSA website, “What are graduation, retention, and transfer rates?”)
5.1. FAMU EPP 4-6 Graduation Rates (2014 Cohort)

5.2. FAMU EPP Completion Rate (advanced level)

6. Ability of completers to meet licensing (certification) and any additional state requirements; Title II

Licensure Examination Passage Rate. The purpose of the Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (FTCE) is to ensure that all teacher candidates demonstrate the necessary content and pedagogical knowledge necessary to effectively instruct students in Florida. The FTCE consists of three examinations: the General Knowledge Test (GK); the Professional Education Test (PE); and the Subject Area Examination (SAE). The College of Education requires our teacher candidates to pass all parts of the FTCE before their internship. (Source: Pearson Education website, “FTCE/FELE Background Information”)
6.1. FAMU EPP Licensure Examination Pass Rates (initial)
6.2. FAMU EPP Licensure Examination Pass Rates (advanced)

The Title II Report presents a summary of information on FAMU’s College of Education teacher preparation program. In particular, information is provided accreditation, clinical experiences, admission requirements, postgraduate requirements, and teacher shortage areas. Title II of the Higher Education Act focuses on areas such as accountability for programs that prepare teachers, teacher quality, and teacher development.
6.3. 2021 Title II Report

Measure 7. Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have prepared

Placement Rate. The placement rate indicates the number of program completers who are employed within the field of education upon graduation. The rate is expressed as a percentage of the total number of program completers. For the College of Education, the Placement Rate Table indicates the percentage of program completers who were employed within the first two years after program completion.
7.1. FAMU Placement Rate for 2019-2020 completers (initial)
7.2. FAMU Placement Rate for 2019-2020 completers (advanced)

Measure 8. Student loan default rates and other consumer information

Cohort Default Rate (also referred to as Student Loan Default Rate). For schools having 30 or more borrowers entering repayment in a fiscal year, the school’s cohort default rate is the percentage of a school’s borrowers who enter repayment on certain William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans and Federal Family Education Loans during that fiscal year and default (i.e., fail to make payment, or request a deferment or forbearance) before the end of the second fiscal year following the fiscal year that the borrower entered repayment. (Source: U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid, Default Management website, “Frequently Asked Questions”) Simply stated, a school’s cohort default rate is the percentage of a school’s federal student loan borrowers who enter repayment within the cohort fiscal year (denominator) and default (numerator) within the cohort default period. (Source: U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid, Default Management, Cohort Default Rate Guide Quick Reference, “What is a cohort default rate?”). At Florida A&M University, the default rate was 9.3 percent for FY 2018.
8.1. FAMU Cohort Default Rate 2018

Cost of Attendance: Tuition, Room, and Board. Tuition, room, and board are costs incurred by undergraduate and graduates students for an academic year. A full academic year typically refers to the period of time extending from August/September to May/June. At Florida A&M University, this period of time equates to two semesters. Room and board may be defined as double occupancy housing accommodations and a standard meal plan. The budget components are ESTIMATED averages and may not reflect the actual expenses.
At Florida A&M University, the 2020-2021 cost of attendance for undergraduate students is based on 15 credits per term. The 2020-2021 cost of attendance for graduate students is based on 9 credits per term.

8.2. Cost of Attendance 2020-2021

8.3. Beginning Teacher Salary and Average Salary (In Florida and Some School Districts where FAMU completers are hired

2018 CAEP Annual Reporting Eight Measures

The College of Education (COE) at Florida A&M University (FAMU) is committed to providing the community-at-large and our stakeholders with data and information relevant to our performance. As such, we have provided on this site our 2021 annual reporting measures. The measures that we adhere to are based on those created by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

CAEP has eight (8) annual reporting measures that are used to provide information to the public on both impact measures and outcome measures. The impact measures are 1. Evidence of completer impact on P-12 student learning and development (Component 4.1); 2. Indicators of teaching effectiveness (Component 4.2); 3. Satisfaction of employers and employment milestones (Component 4.3/A4.1); and 4. Satisfaction of completers (Component 4.4/A4.2). The outcome measures are 5. Graduation Rates (initial & advanced levels); 6. Ability of completers to meet licensing (certification) and any additional state requirements; Title II (initial & advanced levels); 7. Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have prepared (initial & advanced levels); and 8. Student loan default rates and other consumer information (initial & advanced levels). For each measure, links to supporting evidence are provided.

Impact Measures

Measure 1: Evidence of Completer Impact on P-12 Student Learning and Development

Florida’s Value-Added Model (VAM). In Florida, value-added models are used to measure the contribution of a teacher or school to student learning growth. Florida’s value-added models do this by measuring the difference in each student’s actual performance on a statewide assessment from that student’s expected performance, which takes into account specific student and classroom factors that impact the learning process. VAM scores represent the amount the teacher contributed to student learning growth, on average, to the students they taught while controlling for factors that impact student learning growth. (Source: Florida Department of Education website, “Performance Evaluation”)
1. Value-Added Model Score

Please make note of the following when reading the VAM score:
•    A score of zero indicates that students performed no better or worse than expected, based on factors controlled for in the model.
•    A positive score indicates that students performed better than expected.
•    A negative score indicates that students performed worse than expected.

Measure 2: Indicators of Teaching Effectiveness

School District Personnel Evaluations. Completers from FAMU’s College of Education were evaluated utilizing the VAM model. The following ratings are utilized to categorize the completers and are shown in the provided table.
•    Highly Effective. A highly effective rating is demonstrated by a value-added score of greater than zero, where all of the scores contained within the associated 95% confidence interval also lie above zero.
•    Effective. An effective rating is demonstrated by the following:
     o    A value-added score of zero;
     o    A value-added score of greater than zero, where some portion of the range of scores associated with a 95% confidence interval lies at or below zero; or
     o    A value-added score of less than zero, where some portion of the range of scores associated with both the 68% and the 95% confidence interval lies at or above zero.
•    Needs Improvement, or Developing (if the teacher has been teaching for fewer than three (3) years). A needs improvement or developing rating is demonstrated by a value-added score that is less than zero, where the entire 68% confidence interval falls below zero, but where a portion of the 95% confidence interval lies above zero.
•    Unsatisfactory. An unsatisfactory rating is demonstrated by a value-added score of less than zero, where all of the scores contained within the 95% confidence interval also lie below zero.
(Source: Florida Department of State, Florida Administrative Code & Florida Administrative Register, “6A-5.0411”)

  1. Florida School District Personnel Evaluation Report on FAMU Completers

Measure 3. Satisfaction of employers and employment milestones.

Employer Satisfaction Survey. The College of Education’s Employer Satisfaction Survey is designed to collect information on the level of satisfaction of employers with program completers at the end of their first year of teaching. In particular, administrators in schools where FAMU COE program completers teach are asked to complete the survey to evaluate the competence and teaching effectiveness of the completers. 2020 College of Education Employer Satisfaction Survey was sent to 18 employers. The total number of respondents was 11. The response rate is 61%.
3.1. 2020 Employer Satisfaction Survey Results

Employment Milestones. The Florida Department of Education provides the employment information of completers' staying for the job after initial employment. FAMU COE completers have a % rate of staying on the job.

3.2. FAMU Completers 5 Year Retention or Rehired Rate

Measure 4: Satisfaction of Completers

Program Completer’s Satisfaction Survey. The College of Education’s Program Completer's Satisfaction Survey is designed to collect information about our educator preparation program from completers following their first year of teaching. Program completers are asked questions which evaluate how well the program prepared them for the field of teaching. In addition, completers respond to question which evaluate the quality of FAMU’s education programs.

The 2020 College of Education Completer's Satisfaction Survey was sent to 19 completers. The total number of respondents was 7. The response rate is 36.8%.
4. 2020 FAMU Completers’ Satisfaction Survey Results

Outcome Measures

5. Graduation Rates (initial & advanced levels)

Graduation Rate. The graduation rate is the percentage of a school’s first-time, first-year undergraduate students who complete their program within 150% of the published time for the program. For example, for a four-year degree program, entering students who complete within six years are counted as graduates. (Source: FAFSA website, “What are graduation, retention, and transfer rates?”)
5.1. FAMU EPP 4-6 Graduation Rates (2014 Cohort)

5.2. FAMU EPP Completion Rate (advanced level)

6. Ability of completers to meet licensing (certification) and any additional state requirements; Title II

Licensure Examination Passage Rate. The purpose of the Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (FTCE) is to ensure that all teacher candidates demonstrate the necessary content and pedagogical knowledge necessary to effectively instruct students in Florida. The FTCE consists of three examinations: the General Knowledge Test (GK); the Professional Education Test (PE); and the Subject Area Examination (SAE). The College of Education requires our teacher candidates to pass all parts of the FTCE before their internship. (Source: Pearson Education website, “FTCE/FELE Background Information”)
6.1. FAMU EPP Licensure Examination Pass Rates (initial)
6.2. FAMU EPP Licensure Examination Pass Rates (advanced)

The Title II Report presents a summary of information on FAMU’s College of Education teacher preparation program. In particular, information is provided accreditation, clinical experiences, admission requirements, postgraduate requirements, and teacher shortage areas. Title II of the Higher Education Act focuses on areas such as accountability for programs that prepare teachers, teacher quality, and teacher development.
6.3. 2021 Title II Report

Measure 7. Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have prepared

Placement Rate. The placement rate indicates the number of program completers who are employed within the field of education upon graduation. The rate is expressed as a percentage of the total number of program completers. For the College of Education, the Placement Rate Table indicates the percentage of program completers who were employed within the first two years after program completion.
7.1. FAMU Placement Rate for 2019-2020 completers (initial)
7.2. FAMU Placement Rate for 2019-2020 completers (advanced)

Measure 8. Student loan default rates and other consumer information

Cohort Default Rate (also referred to as Student Loan Default Rate). For schools having 30 or more borrowers entering repayment in a fiscal year, the school’s cohort default rate is the percentage of a school’s borrowers who enter repayment on certain William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans and Federal Family Education Loans during that fiscal year and default (i.e., fail to make payment, or request a deferment or forbearance) before the end of the second fiscal year following the fiscal year that the borrower entered repayment. (Source: U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid, Default Management website, “Frequently Asked Questions”) Simply stated, a school’s cohort default rate is the percentage of a school’s federal student loan borrowers who enter repayment within the cohort fiscal year (denominator) and default (numerator) within the cohort default period. (Source: U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid, Default Management, Cohort Default Rate Guide Quick Reference, “What is a cohort default rate?”). At Florida A&M University, the default rate was 9.3 percent for FY 2018.
8.1. FAMU Cohort Default Rate 2018

Cost of Attendance: Tuition, Room, and Board. Tuition, room, and board are costs incurred by undergraduate and graduates students for an academic year. A full academic year typically refers to the period of time extending from August/September to May/June. At Florida A&M University, this period of time equates to two semesters. Room and board may be defined as double occupancy housing accommodations and a standard meal plan. The budget components are ESTIMATED averages and may not reflect the actual expenses.
At Florida A&M University, the 2020-2021 cost of attendance for undergraduate students is based on 15 credits per term. The 2020-2021 cost of attendance for graduate students is based on 9 credits per term.

8.2. Cost of Attendance 2020-2021

8.3. Beginning Teacher Salary and Average Salary (In Florida and Some School Districts where FAMU completers are hired


Our Accreditations

 Accreditation Information
Accreditation Information

The College of Education (COE) is accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and Its initial Teacher Preparation Programs are all approved by the Florida Department of Education (FDOE).

View Our Accreditations  


Contact Us

COE Main Office
Gore Educational Complex
501 Orr Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32307
(850) 561-2989
(850) 561-2793