Candidate Empowerment Center

The Candidate Empowerment Center (CEC) offers teacher education candidates academic support and provides assistance in the preparation for the General Knowledge (GK) Test, Professional Education Test (PEd), and Subject Area Examination (SAE) of the Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (FTCE) via practice exams, tutoring, and print resources, which help improve the FTCE pass rates.

Our center offers online modules whose test designs help target teacher education candidates’ study needs.  Our tutors use the results of these tests to assist them in their test preparation. Practice runs of the various examinations are also available so that teacher education candidates have a real-life example of how their test day will be.

Our center is equipped with a computer lab and a resource library.  Teacher education candidates enrolled in the College of Education are able, and encouraged, to check-out any of the print resources or receive online access to our tutoring software services to assist them in their test preparation. We also offer tutoring services for Reading, Math, Writing, and English courses.


The College of Education |  Living Learning Community Students
The College of Education | Living Learning Community Students


Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (FTCE)

On March 19, 2019, the State Board of Education reviewed and appended a new fee structure that is effective April 22. 2019. New registrations created on or after this date will have new fees automatically applied.

General Knowledge Test (GK)

The General Knowledge Test assesses the competencies, skills, and abilities all beginning teachers need to lead a successful career as an educator.  The format of the GK includes 4 subtests: Essay writing, English Language Skills, Reading, and Mathematics.  Resource materials for each subtest are available on the FTCE/FELE website.

Fees to take the General Knowledge Test

All 4 Subtests (First Attempt and Retake) - $130.00
3 Subtests (First Attempt and Retake) - $97.50
2 Subtests (First Attempt and Retake) - $65.00
1 Subtest (First Attempt and Retake) - $32.50

Professional Education Test (PEd)

The Professional Education Test is a test of knowledge based on eight (8) competencies: Instructional Design and Planning, Learning Environment, Teaching Strategies, Assessment Strategies, Professional Improvement, Ethics and Professional Conduct, English Language Learners, and Reading and Literacy. Resource materials are available on the FTCE/FELE website. Select Professional Education Test via the drop down menu to access resources.

Fees to take the Professional Education Test

First Attempt - $150
Retake - $150

Subject Area Examinations

The Subject Area Examinations are designed to test for knowledge of subject matter.
Test Information Guides for each SAE are available on the FTCE/FELE website.

Fees to take the Subject Area Examinations

All Subject Areas

First Attempt and Retake - $150

Elementary K-6 & PreK/Primary PK-3

First Attempt - $150.00
Retake (4 Subtests) - $150.00
Retake (3 Subtests) - $112.50
Retake (2 Subtests) - $75.00
Retake (1 Subtests) - $37.50

English 6-12

First Attempt - $150.00
Retake (2 Sections) - $150.00
Retake (1 Section) - $75.00


Florida Educational Leadership Examination (FELE)

Fees to take the FELE
First Attempt - $215.00
Single Section (Subtest 3) - $150.00
Any Combination of Subtest - $225.00

Note: The Florida Department of Education does not endorse any third-party FTCE/FELE test preparation materials. The Test Information Guides are the only materials the Department recommends.

Available resources in the CEC

CEC is dedicated to the academic and professional success of our teacher education candidates! The center provides several resources, free of cost, which will prepare our students to be the Transformational Professionals they are meant to be.

  • Lab is equipped with PCs with Internet, Printers, and Microsoft Office and tutorial software such as NAVA Ed, ThinkTime, 240 tutoring, Khan Academy and;

  • General Knowledge Sample Tests, Flashcards, and Study Guides;

  • Professional Education Sample Tests, Flashcards, and Study Guides;

  • Workshops and Faculty facilitated boot camps- study tips, subject area examination preparation, and small group workshops; and

  • Tutoring Services in Mathematics, Reading, English and Writing.

University Referral Services

The Candidate Empowerment Center also refers students to the various University student service agencies.
Those agencies and their services include:

  • University Counseling Services- Inter-personal concerns

  • Center for Disability Accessibility and Resources (CeDar) - Learning disabilities

  • University Health Center- Health concern

  • Academic Labs-Tutorial and remediation for academic courses

  • Career Counseling Center- Career choices, selections, and options

"Now is the accepted time, not tomorrow, not some more convenient season. It is today that our best work can be done and not some future day or future year. It is today that we fit ourselves for the greater usefulness of tomorrow. Today is the seed time, now are the hours of work, and tomorrow comes the harvest and the playtime."
W. E. B. Du Bois