Mental Health Counseling (Non-Teaching) Certification

An option for licensure in mental health counseling is provided for students who plan to work specifically in an agency and private setting. Students follow the core program, but they must take the additional course in the curriculum and must adhere to any changes instituted by the state of Florida’s licensing board for mental health counselors.


Students with a master’s degree who seek certification in mental health counseling must apply for admission. Courses are offered to meet certification requirements in Florida.

Students entering without an undergraduate degree in Education must complete the following courses in addition to the required courses in the Program:

  • 6 semester hours in General Methods
  • 6 semester hours of Education Foundations
  • 6 semester hours of Internship



Admission Requirements

An applicant must:

Meet all university graduate admissions requirements: i.e. “B” (3.0) average in the last sixty (60) semester hours of undergraduate work and a score on the GRE.

  1. Meet all criteria for graduate admission to Teacher Education.
  2. Submit an application and copies of all transcripts from post-secondary institutions.
  3. Declare in writing intention to major in mental health counseling.
  4. Submit scores from GRE taken within the last five (5) years.
  5. Present three (3) Letters of Recommendation, one of which should be from a qualified professional. These Letters should address the applicant’s personal and professional qualities.
  6. Meet the requirements of the State-Mandated College Level Academic Skills Program and Pass the General Knowledge Examination (preferred).
  7. Declare in writing his/her intention to major in counselor education.
"People need people – for initial and for continued survival, for socialization, for the pursuit of satisfaction. No one – not the dying, not the outcast, not the mighty – transcends the need for human contact."
Irvin David Yalom
American Existential Psychiatrist


An option for licensure in mental health counseling is provided for students who plan to work specifically in an agency and private setting.
An option for licensure in mental health counseling is provided for students who plan to work specifically in an agency and private setting.

Core Courses

(9 semester hours required)

Methodology of Research in Behavioral Sciences, Documentation, Measurement, Data Analysis, And Reporting. Students Evaluate Existing Research and Design New Studies.


Emphasis is on The Philosophical, Sociological Contexts from which the Need for Guidance Arises. Analysis of The Nature and Function of Guidance Services/Processes in Various Helping Settings.


Application of Counseling Theory Pertaining to the Psychological, Sociological, Cultural and Physical Issues which Affect Clients with Special Needs. Issues Considered are Clients With Alcohol, Drug, Health, Educational, and Psychological Problems.


Specialization Courses

(30-33 hours required)

Systematic Study of the Nature and Significance of Career Development, Basic Theories And Models of Career Choice, Information Resources and Services, Career Education Practices.


Emphasis is on Counseling Theories/Psychotherapeutic Techniques, with Concentration on Reviewing and Analyzing Concepts, Practices, Applications, and Relevant Issues Involved in the Helping Relationship.


Prerequisite: MHS 5400 Theories And Techniques Of Counseling (3)

Emphasis is upon Concepts, Techniques, and Processes Used in Group Guidance and Group Counseling Situations.


Emphasis is on the Counselor’s Functions within the Context of Legal and Ethical Mandates. Issues considered are: Concepts/Terminology in The Legal System, Structures And Functions, Confidentiality, Assessment, Liability, Records, Students’ Rights, Discipline, Abuse/Neglect, And Codes of Ethics.


Focus is on The Relationship Of Traditional and Multicultural Theories Of Personality and Their Relationship to the Theoretical Orientations and Professional Techniques of Counseling Theories. Emphasis is on The Application of Theories to The Understanding And Explanation of Human Behavior and Mental Health Issues as well as Therapeutic Interventions.


*Prerequisite: MHS 5200. Professional Use of Individual Psychological Assessments.

Emphasis On Administration, Scoring, And Interpreting Individual Mental Tests (Wechsler Scales/ Binet Scale) as well as Other Tests Used in Individual Assessments Batteries. Permission Of Instructor Required; Fully Admitted Status.


Introduces Students to Multicultural Issues Involved in Counseling and Professional Psychology with Emphasis on Cultural Components and Social/Political Nature of Several Social Groups based on Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Class, Age and Sexual Orientation for use in Counseling Diverse Clients.


Designed to help Professionals acquire Knowledge and Basic Competencies in Marriage and Family Therapy. Focuses on the Family as a System; Its Psychodynamic, Cognitive/Behavioral, Humanistic/Existential and Transpersonal Perspectives.


Emphasis is upon Theory and Skills Involved in the Consultation Processes. Various Consultation Models are Explored In-depth with Clinical Type Activities to Demonstrate Competencies.


Prerequisite: All Foundations Courses; Fully Admitted Status. Experience Individual and Group Counseling with Emphasis on Student’s Performance in Implementing a Model of Counseling.


Focuses on Basic Knowledge and Skills that Mental Health Professional need to treat Clients who Abuse and Misuse Substances including Theories, Ethics, Strategies, Ethics Socio-political Issues Diagnosis, Data and Research on Effective Treatment of Addiction Dependence within School and Community- Based Settings.


Licensure Courses-Mental Health Counseling Track 

(12 semester hours required)

Analysis Of Administrative Systems In K-12 Schools, Higher Education, Agencies, and Institutions with Emphasis on Structure, Management, Facilities, Budget, Personnel, and Leadership for Optimizing Human Services.


Application of Counseling Theory Pertaining to the Psychological, Sociological, Cultural and Physical Issues which Affect Clients with Special Needs. Issues Considered are Clients with Alcohol, Drug, Health, Educational, and Psychological Problems.


Emphasis is on The Mental Health Service Providers in School and Non-school Settings Who Must Understand: Boundaries Between Normality and Disorder; Differences/ Similarities Within Disorders; Similarities/Differences Between Child and Adult Disorders; and Causal Relationships Inherent in Disorders.


Focuses on Reliable Information and Proposed Skills Which Facilitate Appropriate Sexual Development and Responsible Sexual Behavior. Emphasis is on Human Sexuality and Intimacy, Wellness, Family, Creativity, and the Quality of Life during the Developmental History of Each Person Being Served by Effective Counselors.


Professional Clinical Experience

(3-6 semester hours of School Counseling)

Prerequisite: All Foundation Courses; Fully Admitted Status; Valid Teaching Certificate Or Passing Scores On The Florida Teacher Certification Examination Or National Teacher’s Examination.

Experiences In Realistic Settings For The Demonstration And Observation Of Competencies Inherent In The Professional Work Of School Counselors. Permission Of Instructor Required.


Prerequisite: All Foundations Courses; Fully Admitted Status. Experiences In Realistic Settings For The Demonstration And Observation Of Competencies Inherent In The Professional Work Of Therapeutic Agents. Permission Of Instructor Required.


Thesis Track (optional) or Electives (1-6 semester hours)